الثانوية العامة (الثاني الثانوي العلمي)

    المنهاج الأردني   

نموذج إختبار تجريبي



 Text Two


One point that appeared in many of the employers’ responses to the specific questions on career breaks was the willingness to carry out more than their statutory obligations.  For example, over 80% of the employers said that they would be prepared to hold a job open for longer than the statutory maternity period.

Almost all of the employers said they would give some sort of training and updating to career break returners.  The general feeling was that employers were keen to retain good staff and would take a flexible approach where possible.  Some employers could not be as flexible as others.  For instance , 43% could not consider part time work because of the team work nature of engineers’ work and the need to be there at the same time as everyone else in order to liaise, only a very small minority were hostile to the whole idea .


 Question Number Two

A : Who didn’t like the notion of career breaks ?

B : Mention there points which show that employers were flexible .

C : Why didn’t about half of the employers accept part-time work of
engineers ?

D : Which sentence carries the main idea of the text :

E : Which sentence shows that few employers were unhappy with the idea of career breaks .


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

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تحرير : المدرسة العربية  www.schoolarabia.net

اعداد : أ. عبد الكريم درويش Abdul Karim Darwish

  تاريخ التحديث 15 آيار 2002

   المدرسة : The Latin Secondary School

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