open collaborative educational project -  learning resources in your native language

eSchola is a campaign for eLearning in Europe – an event to provide an opportunity for schools and teachers to learn together and from each other about the use and impact of new technologies in education. read more

Multilingual award winners 2003 - Congratualations!
sites suggested and selected by site visitors





Europe truly is a great melting pot, one of the most culturally diverse regions in the world. This diversity is reflected even in individual families - many today are multiracial, multireligious, or multilingual. Today the first language of more than 10% of all students in European schools is not the one of the local community and the number is rising rapidly.



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The Jordan Times
the Multilingual Learner
P.O.Box 2494 Amman 11821 Jordan Phone + 962 6 4620805
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