Your project is really helpful to the Arabs and I wish you



all the success (especially it is free even from advertisement i.e., better than a charity). 

                                                             Mohamad Atiyah
Sehha Webmanster



Thanks a lot for guiding me to this interesting web site,

and before I start praising the site, talking about its distinguished features and the contributions it can provide to our Arabic generation that is in an urgent need to such performances, let me ask "Who are you?"

                                                                Daria Al Shehabi



It seems to be a challenging project that deserves the



Best of luck. 

                                                            Nizar M. Awartan



I have visited your site, I am impressed with the quality

effort which has been invested in your educational site.


Nael Obeid
Advanced Technology and Management Group



We would like to congratulate you and your colleagues on

the fruitful efforts which ended with the very informative School Arabia web site.  Kindly mote that we went through some of the environment courses of the fifth level.  They are very good educational materials.  Some minor comments were noted, however, they have to be considered within the curricula of

different Arab Countries.  

CEHA / World Health Organization
Amman - Jordan



My Arabic is limited so I can just about read the info. On

the website though I can read the main titles.  You are doing a great job and keep up with the good work.





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