I am very pleased to see an
Arabic resource so rich, easily accessible and
friendly program. As
an Arabic teacher here in King Khalid Islamic School, Melbourne, Australia,
hope inshallah that your project
in facilitating Arabic learning is successful one.
Kamal Sheikh |
Thank you for
such a needed site, what you have provided is truly something that has
been disregarded for most of us.
As Assad |
I'am math teacher in salt
secondary school, I saw your brilliant ideas in presenting mathmatics in
your web sit. So I would like to have your permission to use some of
your idea in my research for Intel group.
Abeer Hadidi |
I have visited your site and
quite impressed with the teaching material you provide, I am trying to
teach my children Arabic, and found "sameer & samera " pages are quite
good for learners to Arabic as a second language. Could you please provide
some more pages increasing in difficulty in that style?
B.Alkhateeb / UK
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